Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ahhh, the garden is finished

When we moved into our new house in April of 2011, we knew the odd-shaped lot would require creative garden design.   The combination of input from our Landscape Architect son Todd, coupled with many "pinterest" clips and the talented local Landscape Architect Paul DeVilbiss, resulted in a lovely combination of special garden rooms, making up a beautiful vista from our porch.

This is what the space looked like not so long ago:

Lots of builder-supplied sod and a lonely grill.

This is what it looks like after many weeks of hard work:

Nothing like French Blue chairs to enjoy the pond
From a former unused walkway to a hammock waiting to happen!
Many delicious meals have been enjoyed here

This very special urn is from Terrain at Styers in Brinton Lake, PA   

 Thank you talented and hard working people for giving us such a beautiful place to live.