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Sunrise on the pond behind our home |
There are many great joys in my life. My husband John of 47 years who has never seen a glass half empty and (generally) sees only the best in me and (always) sees the best in our sons and their families. So my greatest joy is to wake up each morning by his side. I have two handsome smart sons who have given me beautiful kind daughter in laws and three incredible (perfect) grandchildren: a little boy and two sweet little girls. I have siblings who live in great places and invite me to visit! I have friends who make he laugh and make crying more bearable. I have my art to entertain and challenge me. I am lucky and blessed.
I often wake early, slip out of our room quietly so as not to disturb John nor our spoiled pups Bella and Ruby. It was fun to be with my sister and her husband this winter and find out that my brother in law Frank also cherishes these early morning hours.
No matter how cold it is, I love to take a cup of hot strong coffee onto our back porch and sit in my wicker rocker to enjoy a view of our pond. I get to enjoy the sunrise two way: I see the beautiful colors in the sky - I know the ocean is washing ashore less than a mile away (and some mornings I hear the ocean washing ashore), but I get a mirror of the morning sky with colors even more intense and beautiful upon our pond.
Now I know our pond is really a storm-water management requirement of the development; it was constructed by creating a dam with a restricted diameter outlet pipe through the dam. Normal flows are carried through the pipe, but heavy flows back up and the water behind the dam is choked back to slowly drain. When water levels fall because of lack of rain, the pond is refilled with a well. But for me, there has never been a prettier or more enjoyed pond whether created by man or God!
I've learned a lot about life on our pond. First, you do NOT have to spend money or look far to enjoy the changing beauty in nature. Sunrises can be muted or stunning but they energize you and prepare you for another best day of your life (we are after all the only ones who can make it the best day of our life). Sunsets are vibrant and relax and lull you into restful rest. Pay attention to the messages on the pond. Welcome the pond's inhabitants into your life.
I've observed first-hand that a duck who is new to the pond is most likely not welcomed very warmly at first. Most likely he will be forced to fly away with lots of wing flapping and quacking, with the regulars settling back down to float about and also enjoy the sunrise. Persistent newcomers will keep trying to find a place - sometimes they do and sometimes they don't. Not everybody will be your best friend, but you should learn how to integrate into new groups, or to know when it's best to move on. It takes time.
I'm reminded of the importance of patience from our blue heron. No matter how long it takes to achieve something you want, patience and courage are needed. She will stand perfectly still for the longest time waiting for a small fish to fill her tummy. Then that long beak dashes into the water and she raises her head and enjoys her meal. Then back to the patient ritual. It's important to remember that being patient, smart and fast is the best way to keep from being done-in by someone faster, smarter and more patient (or to at least keep your eyes open wide) ;-)
The ponds come with rules because they are more delicate than they look. Knowledgable people tend the liner (which we can't see but know they're there), fertilize the plants that surround the edge and adjust chemicals to keep the ponds fresh and healthy. When the weather warms a bit, a fountain in the center will aerate the water and provide soothing cooling sounds for all to enjoy.
We may not always like rules, and you should challenge rules that don't make sense or aren't fair, but good rules are there for a reason. Mind them. We have people in our community who are intent on breaking the pond-use rules for their own personal gain. I've learned there are self centered thoughtless people in the work who deserve to be fined for breaking good rules!
Alas my morning ritual must come to an end and a busy, full day begins. But this particular morning I needed to share the important lessons I am reminded of each day.
May this be the best day of your life!