We are enjoying an amazingly beautiful bluebonnet season. We are also blessed with some of the most delightful weather imaginable! Although we still need rain - the drought has been lessened with some recent showers. As you can see from the picture, our little farm is sitting in a sea of purple.
Our thoughts are turning to the warm lazy days of our home in Lewes, DE. Husband John commented today that he needs to decide on a color to paint his little racing sailboat! That's a sure sign summer is on her way. I am so ready to see my good friends.
We are looking forward to having friends from Houston visit over the weekend. Then, the following weekend we head to Chicago for a family wedding. Actually, the brother of our son's finace Ellen is getting married, and this will be our first chance to meet Ellen's family (other than Mom and Dad). We just can't wait - especially since soon after our return from Chicago we load the car to drive back to Lewes.
Let's see: I've been painting like a crazy woman. Here are some recent paintings:
"The Girls of Summer" "Lazy Afternoon"
"Strawberry Patch"
I have a number of paintings framed and ready for sale in Delaware this summer. It's been so much fun preparing them and it brings me much joy to know they bring color and fun to others' homes.
Til next time --